"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.” The Statue of Liberty welcomed millions of immigrants with these words. Only 1.7% of the population can claim to be Native Americans the remaining 98.3% of us are immigrants or descendants of immigrants. Some came to find their fortune, some were the degenerates and rejected from England, some to flee oppression, starvation, and religious persecution, others were forcefully brought here, but all of us create the tapestry of this great nation. Now the President of the United States and the members of his party say we should fear these immigrants fleeing violence, human trafficking, and starvation. We cannot abandon the foundation upon which this great nation was built. We need people in congress who will create and pass comprehensive immigration reform that grants citizenship to the DREAMers and creates a pathway to citizenship for current immigrants in the United States who are working, paying taxes and contributing to their communities. Our economy relies upon immigrant workers in areas such as construction, food processing, and crop harvesting. We must ensure they have the proper documentation by increasing the number of work Visas issued; otherwise we allow undocumented immigrants to be preyed upon by employers offering unfair wages and unsafe working conditions. We can and must do better than detaining children in inhumane conditions on the border.
My Plan
Secure borders to prevent human trafficking and illegal activity.
Provide the resources to expedite the process for asylum seekers.
Utilize technology to make sure children are not being exploited, to make sure families remain together, and prevent the detention of asylum seekers.