Health Care
As the wealthiest nation in the world, we should not tolerate people dying because they need to ration their insulin or choose treatment options based on cost and not effect.
Public Education
We expect 18-year-old high school graduates to be able to live on their own and support themselves, but we are not providing them with the skills to do so.
Higher Education and Career Training
Every other problem we address - climate change, environmental issues, health care, and higher education depends on addressing these problems and making education a priority once again.
The Environment
We owe it to ourselves, our children, and all future generations to do our best to protect and care for the earth we live on.
Pro-Woman, Pro-Choice
You cannot talk about equality without saying that you trust women to make choices about their own body.
Everyone has the right to love whomever they choose, live their life as the gender they identify with, be free from condemnation by others, and enjoy the same rights and freedoms as any other person.
We need people in congress who will create and pass comprehensive immigration reform that grants citizenship to the DREAMers and creates a pathway to citizenship for current immigrants in the United States who are working, paying taxes and contributing to their communities.
Gun Sense
We may have the right to bear arms but we also have a moral obligation to prevent the senseless death of so many.