Early Life
Born as a Native of The Great State of Texas, I relocated to Wyoming at the age of two for my dad’s oilfield job. Growing up in Wyoming I spent countless hours hunting and fishing with my dad, horseback riding, and raising and showing animals through FFA. I had a happy childhood not really knowing that my parents hardly made ends meet with my mom shopping for discounted items and my dad working a second job at the stockyards. My mom worked as a school secretary and saw the difference that a college education could make, so she ingrained into me the importance of obtaining a college education. The discussions around my kitchen table revolved around where I would go to college and what I would major in.
College Years
Thanks to many community scholarships and a Federal Pell Grant, I started my Freshman year at the University of Wyoming. Unfortunately, my father passed away as a result of a tragic work accident during my first semester. However, because of the worker’s compensation settlement my mom received, the money was needed for bills and to help raise my younger brother. I was no longer eligible for the government’s financial assistance. I would not let the loss of my father or the loss of financial assistance keep me from realizing my educational pursuits, and the better life that my mom and dad wanted for me. I remained at university working extra jobs during the school year and the summers to complete my Bachelor of Science degree in Secondary Educational Sciences to become the first college graduate of my family.
Life as a foster parent
Even though we were extremely busy raising children, working, and attending college, Clay and I felt compelled to share our good fortune with children who are the most vulnerable. We fostered several children over the years. Having had fostered children, raised my own, taught in one of the poorest countries of the world, and continued to teach at different levels of education within the state, I have seen first-hand that life does not grant an equal hand to all, that there is suffering in this world. Having worked my way through a Ph.D., I know with hard work and determination, people can achieve amazing things. But I also know that there are circumstances that exist in this country, in our very own community, that limit possibilities.
Working while raising a family

When our children were small, in order to manage Meggan’s many medical needs that arose from a genetic defect, I left teaching and helped Clay with his small business in the HVAC trade which took us across the United States. Through this opportunity, I was able to travel to every corner of this country and experience blue collar work. While the kids were in school for the year, I was at home raising a family and helping Clay. During summer break or any school break, I would load the kids up into our camper and travel to wherever it was that my husband was working at the time. This allowed my children to see different cultures, experiences, and the beauty that is America. Once our children were all of school age, I once again went back to my roots of teaching, this time at Midland College. While teaching at Midland, I realized the importance of being a lifelong learner. Between working and raising children, I completed a Master’s in Biology, a Master’s in Cell Physiology and Molecular Biophysics, and my Ph.D. in Reproductive Physiology.